Tim Ruppel


Tim Ruppel


Timothy Joseph Ruppel was born in San Antonio, Texas. In 1976, by way of a friend, he came to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
After graduating from high school, he received a Bachelor of Science degree from Stephen F. Austin State University. In the early 1990s he became a student once again, receiving an Advanced Studies Program degree & a few years later a Masters in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
Since 2001 he has been a Texas public school teacher, with certifications in Biology, Science & Generic Special Education, at the secondary level. He retired this vocation four years ago.
Along his life's journey he has been privileged to teach both youth & adult Sunday school classes, as well as Bible studies. Teaching God's word is no doubt a passion of his.
God has blessed him with 3 short term mission trips: one to Romania in 1988 & two to Ukraine in 1995 & 2004.
He looks forward to continuing in His service as long as God tarries & into eternity.