Pastor Vernon Sivage
January 26, 2025
2 Corinthians 5:16-19
II Corinthians
1. A True Regard for Christ – 5:16 – “we don’t understand anyone from a world perspective…even we no longer understand him [Christ] in this way”
a. World’s perspective – 16a
b. Christ’s perspective – 16b
2. The Old Has Gone, The New Has Come – 5:17 – “a new creation…old things have passed”
a. A new creation – 17a
b. Old things have passed – 17b
3. God and Sinners Reconciled – 5:18-19a - God reconciled to us to himself…not reckoning their transgressions against them”
a. All this is from God – v18
b. God was in Christ reconciling the world – v19a
4. Our Mission Today – 5:19b – “having placed in us the word of reconciliation”
a. God put into us a message – 19b
b. The message if reconciliation – 19b
2 Corinthians 5:16-19
v16So, from this point on, we don’t understand anyone from a worldly perspective. ⌜Even if⌝ we have understood Christ from a worldly perspective, now we no longer understand him in this way.
v17So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away, behold ⌜new things⌝ have come into being.
v18Now all this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation;
v19—that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning their transgressions against them—and having placed in us ⌜the word⌝ of reconciliation.