Repentance Without Regret Good Grief and Worldly Grief
Delivered By
Pastor Vernon Sivage
Delivered On
February 23, 2025
Central Passage
2 Corinthians 7:5-16
II Corinthians


1. Paul’s Turmoil Upon Arrival in Macedonia - 7:5

  a. No rest – v5a: “not able to rest at all”

  b. Hounded – v5b: trouble in every way”

  c. Conflicts – v5c: “conflicts on the outside…fears on the inside”

2. God’s Comforts to Paul– 7:6-10

  a. Titus meets Paul – v6c: “his arrival”

  b. God’s character – v6a: “the One who encourages us”

  c. Titus’ experience – v6b: “encouragement he received
from you”

  d. Titus’ report – v7: “your deep desire. . .mourning
. . .concern”

  e. Titus, the successful envoy – v8-10:

    1) An upsetting letter to deliver – v8a: “I upset you by my letter”

    2) It produced a healing impact – v9: “upset to. . . repentance”

    3) Two griefs – v10: “grief according to God. . .leads to salvation. . .worldly (grief) is deadly”

3. The Corinthians Comforted Titus – 7:11-16

  a. Step 1 – they revived Titus- v13b – “you refreshed his spirit”

  b. Step 2 – they deliberated among themselves – v11: “eagerness,

       defense of yourself, indignation, fear, yearning, enthusiasm, execution of justice”

  c. Results – vs13b, 16: “this as been encouraging. . .I am glad”

2 Corinthians 7:5-16

v5Even when we came into Macedonia, we were not able to rest at all but were hounded by trouble in every way, conflicts on the outside, fears on the inside.

v6But God, the one who encourages the discouraged, encouraged us by Tituss arrival

v7and not only by his arrival, but also by the encouragement he received from you. For he told us about your deep desire, your mourning, your enthusiastic concern for me, with the result that I rejoiced even more.

v8For even though I upset you by my letter, I don’t regret it. And yet, I did regret it for awhile (even if the effect was only momentary, I see that that letter made you sad).

v9Now I am glad about it, not because you were upset but because you were upset to the point of repentance! For you were upset in a way that God wanted you to be, with the result that you did not experience loss in any way because of us.

v10For this grief according to God’s will produces repentance that leads to salvation, with no regrets, but worldly grief is deadly.

v11For recognize how great an effect this very experience of grief according to Gods will has had on you: your eagerness, as well as your defense of yourselves, indeed your indignation, fear, yearning, enthusiasm, and even your execution of justice! In every way you have shown yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

v12Consequently, although I wrote to you, I did not write because of the wrongdoer, nor for the sake of the person who was wronged, but so that your eager devotion to us might be made clear to you before God.

v13aThis has been encouraging. 

v13bAnd in addition to the personal encouragement we experienced, we were especially delighted to see Titus’s joy, since all of you have refreshed his spirit.

v14For if I have boasted a bit to him about you, I was not shamed by your response. Rather, just as everything we said to you was true, so our boasting to Titus about you turned out to be true as well.

v15And now his affection for you is even greater as he remembers the obedience of you all, how you received him with fear and trembling.

v16I am glad to say that I have complete confidence in you!