Heart to Heart Talks With Believers in Corinth
Delivered By
Pastor Vernon Sivage
Delivered On
February 9, 2025
Central Passage
2 Corinthians 6:1-10
II Corinthians


1. Paul’s Appeal for Appreciation to Church at Church -6:1-2

     a. Appeal based on relationship with God - v1a: “fellow worker with him (Jesus Christ)”

     b. Appeal base on relationship with other believers – v1a: “we are fellow workers (with you)”

     c. Appeal based on God’s offer of grace - v1b: “we strongly urge you to receive God’s grace”

    d. Appeal to serious self-examination - v2: “Pay attention! now is the day of salvation” Isaiah 49:7-9

2.  Paul’s Goals for His Ministry - 6:3-4a

     a. Faultless in ministry so no one would stumble - v3: “not to offend anyone…so that the ministry won’t be criticized”

     b. Exhibiting godly character to glory of the gospel- v4a: “commending ourselves as God’s ministers”

3.  Paul’s Proofs of His Sincerity in Ministry - 6:4-10


Paul’s Ministry

And Hardships

In General

At the Hands of Others

1. in a great deal of endurance v4

1. in beatings v5

2. in afflictions v4

2. in being put in jail v5

3. in crises v4

3. in mobs v5

4. in stressful situations v4


In the Normal Course

of Ministry


1. in hard work v5


2. in sleepless nights v5


3. in times of hunger v5


  Dynamics that

Enabled Ministry



1. in purity v6

1. in the Holy Spirit v6

2. in knowledge v6

2. in genuine love v6

3. in patience v6

3. in the word of truth v6

4. in kindness v6

4. in the power of God

 Instruments and




1.through the weapons of righteousness for the right

1. through honor and disrespect v8

hand and the left v7

2. through slander and good report v8

        Antithesis in Ministry

and Contrasting Perceptions

1.as deceivers, v8

1. yet true

2. as unknown, v9

2. yet well known

3. as dying and, v9

3. behold, we live

4. as disciplined and v9

4. yet not being killed

5. as experiencing deep sorrow

          but v10

5. constantly rejoicing

6. as poor but v10

6. making many rich

7. as having nothing, v10

7. yet really possessing everything

From George Guthrie. 2 Corinthians.

Baker Publishing Group, Kindle Edition.